Sik bercerita tentang info2...Sekarang nak citer perkembangan "baby" yang dah nak jadi kakak so soooon...kalau tengok pics dia kat sebelah...'how small?' tp sekarang, macam2 pandai..meniru gaya,perbuatan, cakap orang...kita marah dia...dia marah kita balik..budak2 zaman sekarang..memang kaya dengan DHA!!! Bijak...bijak...
So, far...dia dah 'mencuba' nak pakai kasut sendiri...pandai tengok cermin sambil nak sikat rambut yang ciput tu..Naps tengahari..kadang2 setengah jam jer (wat atok dia naik angin...) Paling bertuah..kalau dia naps dengan nyenyak sampai 2 jam! Indahnya dunia ku...
Bab makan, no hal..nabeela jenis makan apa sahaja yang sedap...favorite dia ayam!!! Ayam panggang madu pon dia 'belasah'..Gigi yang tumbuh sejak 6 bulan dah de 7 nak masuk 8 batang...semua dah membesar..banyak la makanan yang boleh dia kunyah&kuat jugak 'mengasah' gigi..Dia akan gigit mummy,daddy&atok dia aje...orang lain dia tak gigit.So, jangan risau..heehee
Jalan belum lagi..memapah,bertatih dah laju..tapi lom confident nak lepas tangan daripada kita...takpe....mulut dah bising.."JOM...TATA...DAH.." dah dengar macam bunyi nak bercakap...Alhamdulillah...perkembangan kanak2 berlainan..So,aku tak bimbang as long as semuanya normal.
Berat badan nabeela naik pon cantik..yang penting..tak kurang zat makanan macam mak bapak dia..haahaa~~
18 Julai 2011, akan gi check up kat Pediatrik Hospital Segamat...Just follow up check up daripada kes 'Bronchopneumonia' dulu.So, far takde batuk & demam teruk...Mudah2an Nabeela&adik sihat sentiasa....senang hati mummy&daddy...Amiiin.
Kita jumpa next time blogger.
Jumpa lagi ;-)
Friday, July 1, 2011
Part 1 : Nabeela is 1...u'ol...
It's beeeeeeeen a long time x update blog..ini semua kerana kekangan masa&kerja yang menimbun kt opis..Xpe la..At least,aku ingat jugak nk buka blog ni..heehee ;-P
Nak bagitau..something yang aku rasa..."Wah! cepatnya masa berlalu"...Nabeela is 1 on 22nd Jun 2011..masih ingat lagi pengalaman melahirkan dia.Alhamdulillah...semuanya dipermudahkan oleh Nya. So, 3 Julai ni nak meraikan si kecik ni dengan bersedekah wat majlis makan2 jemput kawan2 dan 'baby2' kat nursery...Insyaallah.
2011 ni aku masih 'setia' dengan laman web Al-maklum r..skrg baca tentang pregnancy&toddler pulak...Kat sini aku ade terbaca info tentang makanan yang membahayakan anak2 berumur 1 tahun.Semuanya terpulang pada ibu bapa..samada nak bagi atau tak..klu nak bagi jugak, pemantauan tu penting dan asalkan makanan tu x memudaratkan si kecil yerr...
Here we go.....
As your toddler grows, he'll be eager to sample food from your plate – and you'll be eager to add variety to his diet. But not all foods are safe for your child. Some still pose a choking hazard.
Foods to avoid: 12 to 24 months
Low-fat milk: Most young toddlers need the fat and calories of whole milk for growth and development. Once your child turns 2 (and if he doesn't have any growth problems), you can start giving him lower-fat milk if you like. (If your child is at risk for obesity or heart disease, however, the doctor may recommend introducing low-fat milk before age 2).
Choking hazards to watch out for
Large chunks: A chunk of food larger than a pea can get stuck in your child's throat. Vegetables like carrots, celery, and green beans should be diced, shredded, or cooked and cut up. Cut fruits like grapes, cherry tomatoes, and melon balls into quarters before serving, and shred or cut meats and cheeses into very small pieces.
Small, hard foods: Hard candies, cough drops, nuts, seeds, and popcorn are potential choking hazards.
Soft, sticky foods: Avoid chewing gum and soft foods like marshmallows and jelly or gummy candies that might get lodged in your child's throat.
Peanut butter: Be careful not to give your toddler large dollops of peanut butter or other nut butters, which can be difficult to swallow. Instead, spread nut butter thinly on bread or crackers. You might want to try thinning it with some applesauce before spreading it.
More choking prevention:
• Avoid letting your child eat in the car since it's hard to supervise while driving.
• If you're using a rub-on teething medication, keep a close eye on your toddler as it can numb his throat and interfere with swallowing.
Your toddler now
First steps now…or later
• Many children take their first steps sometime between 9 and 12 months and are walking well by the time they're 14 or 15 months old. But don't worry if your child hasn't let go of the coffee table yet. It's also perfectly normal for kids not to take that first step until they're 15 or 16 months, or even later.
• Encourage both cruising and walking by giving your child lots of opportunities to move without help and by not picking him up and carrying him too often. You can encourage a tentative walker by arranging furniture so there are safe and convenient handholds all along his path. Remove any dangers he might grab on to, such as a dangling tablecloth or electrical cord.
• If your child is trying to toddle, he might feel more secure if he can hang on to one of your fingers, or if he puts his hands in the air and you walk behind him, holding his hands. A push toy provides walking practice, too. Just make sure it's stable and has a wide, secure base.
• Two walking aids you don't need: walkers (the American Academy of Pediatrics says they're unsafe and actually discourage kids from learning to walk) and shoes in the house. Bare feet, socks, or the popular soft-bottomed "baby shoes" help a beginning walker practice balance and coordination. Reserve real shoes for protecting your toddlers' feet outdoors.
Checkup checklist
You can prepare for your child's 12-month checkup by anticipating some of the questions the doctor is likely to ask, such as these:
• Sleep: How much is your child sleeping at night and during naps?
• Eating : What kinds of solid food is your child eating? How's his appetite? Does he enjoy feeding himself finger foods?
• Teeth: How many teeth has your child cut?
• Developmental skills: Is your child crawling well? Pulling up? Cruising or walking? Pointing? Making eye contact and responding to his name?
• Vision: Have you noticed frequent squinting or eye rubbing, or a tendency to hold toys and books close to his face?
• Hearing: Does your child turn toward sounds?
• Speech: Does your child imitate sounds, babble, or say any words?
Jumpa part 2...b'cerita ttg baby dlm perut ku yang sedang wat 'break-dance-party'..huuhuu..
Salam...Jumpa lagi ;-P
It's beeeeeeeen a long time x update blog..ini semua kerana kekangan masa&kerja yang menimbun kt opis..Xpe la..At least,aku ingat jugak nk buka blog ni..heehee ;-P
Nak bagitau..something yang aku rasa..."Wah! cepatnya masa berlalu"...Nabeela is 1 on 22nd Jun 2011..masih ingat lagi pengalaman melahirkan dia.Alhamdulillah...semuanya dipermudahkan oleh Nya. So, 3 Julai ni nak meraikan si kecik ni dengan bersedekah wat majlis makan2 jemput kawan2 dan 'baby2' kat nursery...Insyaallah.
2011 ni aku masih 'setia' dengan laman web Al-maklum r..skrg baca tentang pregnancy&toddler pulak...Kat sini aku ade terbaca info tentang makanan yang membahayakan anak2 berumur 1 tahun.Semuanya terpulang pada ibu bapa..samada nak bagi atau tak..klu nak bagi jugak, pemantauan tu penting dan asalkan makanan tu x memudaratkan si kecil yerr...
Here we go.....
As your toddler grows, he'll be eager to sample food from your plate – and you'll be eager to add variety to his diet. But not all foods are safe for your child. Some still pose a choking hazard.
Foods to avoid: 12 to 24 months
Low-fat milk: Most young toddlers need the fat and calories of whole milk for growth and development. Once your child turns 2 (and if he doesn't have any growth problems), you can start giving him lower-fat milk if you like. (If your child is at risk for obesity or heart disease, however, the doctor may recommend introducing low-fat milk before age 2).
Choking hazards to watch out for
Large chunks: A chunk of food larger than a pea can get stuck in your child's throat. Vegetables like carrots, celery, and green beans should be diced, shredded, or cooked and cut up. Cut fruits like grapes, cherry tomatoes, and melon balls into quarters before serving, and shred or cut meats and cheeses into very small pieces.
Small, hard foods: Hard candies, cough drops, nuts, seeds, and popcorn are potential choking hazards.
Soft, sticky foods: Avoid chewing gum and soft foods like marshmallows and jelly or gummy candies that might get lodged in your child's throat.
Peanut butter: Be careful not to give your toddler large dollops of peanut butter or other nut butters, which can be difficult to swallow. Instead, spread nut butter thinly on bread or crackers. You might want to try thinning it with some applesauce before spreading it.
More choking prevention:
• Avoid letting your child eat in the car since it's hard to supervise while driving.
• If you're using a rub-on teething medication, keep a close eye on your toddler as it can numb his throat and interfere with swallowing.
Your toddler now
First steps now…or later
• Many children take their first steps sometime between 9 and 12 months and are walking well by the time they're 14 or 15 months old. But don't worry if your child hasn't let go of the coffee table yet. It's also perfectly normal for kids not to take that first step until they're 15 or 16 months, or even later.
• Encourage both cruising and walking by giving your child lots of opportunities to move without help and by not picking him up and carrying him too often. You can encourage a tentative walker by arranging furniture so there are safe and convenient handholds all along his path. Remove any dangers he might grab on to, such as a dangling tablecloth or electrical cord.
• If your child is trying to toddle, he might feel more secure if he can hang on to one of your fingers, or if he puts his hands in the air and you walk behind him, holding his hands. A push toy provides walking practice, too. Just make sure it's stable and has a wide, secure base.
• Two walking aids you don't need: walkers (the American Academy of Pediatrics says they're unsafe and actually discourage kids from learning to walk) and shoes in the house. Bare feet, socks, or the popular soft-bottomed "baby shoes" help a beginning walker practice balance and coordination. Reserve real shoes for protecting your toddlers' feet outdoors.
Checkup checklist
You can prepare for your child's 12-month checkup by anticipating some of the questions the doctor is likely to ask, such as these:
• Sleep: How much is your child sleeping at night and during naps?
• Eating : What kinds of solid food is your child eating? How's his appetite? Does he enjoy feeding himself finger foods?
• Teeth: How many teeth has your child cut?
• Developmental skills: Is your child crawling well? Pulling up? Cruising or walking? Pointing? Making eye contact and responding to his name?
• Vision: Have you noticed frequent squinting or eye rubbing, or a tendency to hold toys and books close to his face?
• Hearing: Does your child turn toward sounds?
• Speech: Does your child imitate sounds, babble, or say any words?
Jumpa part 2...b'cerita ttg baby dlm perut ku yang sedang wat 'break-dance-party'..huuhuu..
Salam...Jumpa lagi ;-P
Masa begitu pantas!!
It's beeeeeeeen a long time x update blog..ini semua kerana kekangan masa&kerja yang menimbun kt opis..Xpe la..At least,aku ingat jugak nk buka blog ni..heehee ;-P
Nak bagitau..something yang aku rasa..."Wah! cepatnya masa berlalu"...Nabeela is 1 on 22nd Jun 2011..masih ingat lagi pengalaman melahirkan dia.Alhamdulillah...semuanya dipermudahkan oleh Nya. So, 3 Julai ni nak meraikan si kecik ni dengan bersedekah wat majlis makan2 jemput kawan2 dan 'baby2' kat nursery...Insyaallah.
2011 ni aku masih 'setia' dengan laman web Al-maklum r..skrg baca tentang pregnancy&toddler...a little bit info tentang makanan yang membahayakan anak2 berumur 1 tahun.Semuanya terpulang pada ibu bapa..samada nak bagi atau tak..klu nak bagi jugak, pemantauan tu penting dan asalkan makanan tu x memudaratkan si kecil yerr...
Here we go.....
As your toddler grows, he'll be eager to sample food from your plate – and you'll be eager to add variety to his diet. But not all foods are safe for your child. Some still pose a choking hazard.
Foods to avoid: 12 to 24 months
Low-fat milk: Most young toddlers need the fat and calories of whole milk for growth and development. Once your child turns 2 (and if he doesn't have any growth problems), you can start giving him lower-fat milk if you like. (If your child is at risk for obesity or heart disease, however, the doctor may recommend introducing low-fat milk before age 2).
Choking hazards to watch out for
Large chunks: A chunk of food larger than a pea can get stuck in your child's throat. Vegetables like carrots, celery, and green beans should be diced, shredded, or cooked and cut up. Cut fruits like grapes, cherry tomatoes, and melon balls into quarters before serving, and shred or cut meats and cheeses into very small pieces.
Small, hard foods: Hard candies, cough drops, nuts, seeds, and popcorn are potential choking hazards.
Soft, sticky foods: Avoid chewing gum and soft foods like marshmallows and jelly or gummy candies that might get lodged in your child's throat.
Peanut butter: Be careful not to give your toddler large dollops of peanut butter or other nut butters, which can be difficult to swallow. Instead, spread nut butter thinly on bread or crackers. You might want to try thinning it with some applesauce before spreading it.
More choking prevention:
• Avoid letting your child eat in the car since it's hard to supervise while driving.
• If you're using a rub-on teething medication, keep a close eye on your toddler as it can numb his throat and interfere with swallowing.
Your toddler now
First steps now…or later
• Many children take their first steps sometime between 9 and 12 months and are walking well by the time they're 14 or 15 months old. But don't worry if your child hasn't let go of the coffee table yet. It's also perfectly normal for kids not to take that first step until they're 15 or 16 months, or even later.
• Encourage both cruising and walking by giving your child lots of opportunities to move without help and by not picking him up and carrying him too often. You can encourage a tentative walker by arranging furniture so there are safe and convenient handholds all along his path. Remove any dangers he might grab on to, such as a dangling tablecloth or electrical cord.
• If your child is trying to toddle, he might feel more secure if he can hang on to one of your fingers, or if he puts his hands in the air and you walk behind him, holding his hands. A push toy provides walking practice, too. Just make sure it's stable and has a wide, secure base.
• Two walking aids you don't need: walkers (the American Academy of Pediatrics says they're unsafe and actually discourage kids from learning to walk) and shoes in the house. Bare feet, socks, or the popular soft-bottomed "baby shoes" help a beginning walker practice balance and coordination. Reserve real shoes for protecting your toddlers' feet outdoors.
Checkup checklist
You can prepare for your child's 12-month checkup by anticipating some of the questions the doctor is likely to ask, such as these:
• Sleep: How much is your child sleeping at night and during naps?
• Eating : What kinds of solid food is your child eating? How's his appetite? Does he enjoy feeding himself finger foods?
• Teeth: How many teeth has your child cut?
• Developmental skills: Is your child crawling well? Pulling up? Cruising or walking? Pointing? Making eye contact and responding to his name?
• Vision: Have you noticed frequent squinting or eye rubbing, or a tendency to hold toys and books close to his face?
• Hearing: Does your child turn toward sounds?
• Speech: Does your child imitate sounds, babble, or say any words?
It's beeeeeeeen a long time x update blog..ini semua kerana kekangan masa&kerja yang menimbun kt opis..Xpe la..At least,aku ingat jugak nk buka blog ni..heehee ;-P
Nak bagitau..something yang aku rasa..."Wah! cepatnya masa berlalu"...Nabeela is 1 on 22nd Jun 2011..masih ingat lagi pengalaman melahirkan dia.Alhamdulillah...semuanya dipermudahkan oleh Nya. So, 3 Julai ni nak meraikan si kecik ni dengan bersedekah wat majlis makan2 jemput kawan2 dan 'baby2' kat nursery...Insyaallah.
2011 ni aku masih 'setia' dengan laman web Al-maklum r..skrg baca tentang pregnancy&toddler...a little bit info tentang makanan yang membahayakan anak2 berumur 1 tahun.Semuanya terpulang pada ibu bapa..samada nak bagi atau tak..klu nak bagi jugak, pemantauan tu penting dan asalkan makanan tu x memudaratkan si kecil yerr...
Here we go.....
As your toddler grows, he'll be eager to sample food from your plate – and you'll be eager to add variety to his diet. But not all foods are safe for your child. Some still pose a choking hazard.
Foods to avoid: 12 to 24 months
Low-fat milk: Most young toddlers need the fat and calories of whole milk for growth and development. Once your child turns 2 (and if he doesn't have any growth problems), you can start giving him lower-fat milk if you like. (If your child is at risk for obesity or heart disease, however, the doctor may recommend introducing low-fat milk before age 2).
Choking hazards to watch out for
Large chunks: A chunk of food larger than a pea can get stuck in your child's throat. Vegetables like carrots, celery, and green beans should be diced, shredded, or cooked and cut up. Cut fruits like grapes, cherry tomatoes, and melon balls into quarters before serving, and shred or cut meats and cheeses into very small pieces.
Small, hard foods: Hard candies, cough drops, nuts, seeds, and popcorn are potential choking hazards.
Soft, sticky foods: Avoid chewing gum and soft foods like marshmallows and jelly or gummy candies that might get lodged in your child's throat.
Peanut butter: Be careful not to give your toddler large dollops of peanut butter or other nut butters, which can be difficult to swallow. Instead, spread nut butter thinly on bread or crackers. You might want to try thinning it with some applesauce before spreading it.
More choking prevention:
• Avoid letting your child eat in the car since it's hard to supervise while driving.
• If you're using a rub-on teething medication, keep a close eye on your toddler as it can numb his throat and interfere with swallowing.
Your toddler now
First steps now…or later
• Many children take their first steps sometime between 9 and 12 months and are walking well by the time they're 14 or 15 months old. But don't worry if your child hasn't let go of the coffee table yet. It's also perfectly normal for kids not to take that first step until they're 15 or 16 months, or even later.
• Encourage both cruising and walking by giving your child lots of opportunities to move without help and by not picking him up and carrying him too often. You can encourage a tentative walker by arranging furniture so there are safe and convenient handholds all along his path. Remove any dangers he might grab on to, such as a dangling tablecloth or electrical cord.
• If your child is trying to toddle, he might feel more secure if he can hang on to one of your fingers, or if he puts his hands in the air and you walk behind him, holding his hands. A push toy provides walking practice, too. Just make sure it's stable and has a wide, secure base.
• Two walking aids you don't need: walkers (the American Academy of Pediatrics says they're unsafe and actually discourage kids from learning to walk) and shoes in the house. Bare feet, socks, or the popular soft-bottomed "baby shoes" help a beginning walker practice balance and coordination. Reserve real shoes for protecting your toddlers' feet outdoors.
Checkup checklist
You can prepare for your child's 12-month checkup by anticipating some of the questions the doctor is likely to ask, such as these:
• Sleep: How much is your child sleeping at night and during naps?
• Eating : What kinds of solid food is your child eating? How's his appetite? Does he enjoy feeding himself finger foods?
• Teeth: How many teeth has your child cut?
• Developmental skills: Is your child crawling well? Pulling up? Cruising or walking? Pointing? Making eye contact and responding to his name?
• Vision: Have you noticed frequent squinting or eye rubbing, or a tendency to hold toys and books close to his face?
• Hearing: Does your child turn toward sounds?
• Speech: Does your child imitate sounds, babble, or say any words?
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